Australia, New Zealand, Dubai, Europe, and Asia
Gold Souk....Dubai is known for them!
Dear Mom,
I know I was the kid who swam in the opposite direction upside
down. Against all the other fish.
Yet still had the guts to ask who you loved best.
Any 25th birthday wisdom is WELCOMED!! HOW
My birthday was a very calm one this year. Lucie and Karly took me to a nice Italian dinner in Como. We drank some champagne and had lots of laughs! It was wonderful that they were so generous, because I didn't have to pay for a thing!! I'm truly appreciative to have them in my life right now. AND they bought me this cute bracelet, a hat, and cute pajamas! How nice they were!
I also went to a motorcycle show, here in Perth. It was interesting, because the motorcycle shows here, are much different than the ones I worked at for 7 years when I was in the industry. I had a great time though, because I miss motorcycles being part of my life! It was good to see all the bikes, and to go all the booths. If only I could buy a quad or a dirt bike and ride it in the bush!!
I did notice that I got a teeny bit homesick on my birthday. I miss my family and friends, and sometimes just miss my culture a ton. Being away from home has made me realize how much abundance I have been given in my life, and has helped me to put into perspective the wonderful life I was born into. Thank you to all of you who helped me grow to the person I am today...and thank you for supporting everything I have chosen to do these first 25 years!! Love You, Martina
**I also want to apologize to all of you, for my spelling errors on my blog! I never knew the affects the text message generation had on my writing, until I started this blog! I look at past blogs and notice that I have a tendency to make simple spelling and grammar errors, on top of using words that do NOT exist outside of the text message world such as: "cuz". Again, I'm sorry to all my readers!
They aren't the type of drunks that you see at a night club though. They
are nice drunks.
"If you're American, I'm a plastic surgeon, do you want breast
I said to him, "No, I don't. I'm pretty limited in that department." While I laughed out loud, because he was so bold it was humorous and funny!! Then he says:"Do you JUST get HEAPS of sex???"
I really didn't think anything of it, but, then...after
being here for a few weeks...I have realized. Yeah. I'm in an entirely new
world. It feels even more isolated sometimes, because most of the time, I have no clue where I am at. There are about 1.5 million people in my city, and everything is much slower than what I am used to. There are definately days when I get culture shock, and all I want to do is sit in
traffic, go to a store that is opened past 5pm...or just hear another
American voice in person, not just on the TV or in the
movies.Today I realized how
glad I am that I followed through with
living in Perth, and not the east coast of Australia. I AM FORCED to be isolated from other Americans. The East Coast of Australia has tons of American tourists. So the chances of me running into another American would be much higher there than here. NOT to say Perth does not have any American immigrants, I just find that I am much more original here, than in other areas of Australia. I know for certain, that Perth gets American exchange students, but since I am not going to "University", I do not run into many people of my own culture. Which I think is cool. For once in my life: I'm a rare species. And that's cool.Will upload pictures of my neighborhood as soon as I can get the uploaded images to work.
Here's To A New Life in a New City,
Jump Mania!! Is what it's called. Here is the advertisement.
Darling Harbor