Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Beers and Booze

Beers and Booze

I got a job bartending! Ilove it! It's lots of fun, and the people are all very friendly and warm. It's at a little Pub, just 3 streets from my house. It's nice to work there, because I have made a couple friends that I work with. Karly, is a girl who I have bartended with a few times who is from Perth, and has welcomed me into her group and life! Then, I have also met another wonderful friend named Lucie, who is from Switzerland but has been living here for a year. She is super sweet, and I have gone running with her around the river in front of the city, and really enjoy her company as well. Both girls I work with, are in their 20's, and so we all get a long very well when we work together. So far, the people at this job, makes for a very positive work environment.
We have tons of regulars that come into the bar. All of which will sit at the bar at the beginning of my shift, and leave towards the end of my shift. I work from 5pm-11pm.
They aren't the type of drunks that you see at a night club though. They
are nice drunks.
They are mostly older in their 50's and 60's age group. Mostly men. And are friendly, just trying to have a beer or two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight....
It's funny, because I have noticed a reooccuring trend. BEER is bigger than BOOZE. Also, wine is very big, because Perth is close to 2 big wine region.
Mostly, the customers love me, because they like to figure out where my accent is from. It's confusing for them, because many people think I am from Canada. I always have to correct them, and say with pride that "I'm American". . Normally, everyone is nice. I have only had one dumb man say:
"If you're American, I'm a plastic surgeon, do you want breast
Other than that, I have nothing but great customers. My favorite story, is this guy around 18 or 19 (The drinking age here is 18), who comes in with his group of friends. He listens to me talk, and just stares at me for a very long time. I finally look over at him, and say: "what are you looking at??"
He says with a perplexed look on his face:

"Do you JUST get HEAPS of sex???"

I said to him, "No, I don't. I'm pretty limited in that department." While I laughed out loud, because he was so bold it was humorous and funny!! Then he says:

"Cause your accent is the best accent
I have ever heard!!!"
The conclusion to that one instance: People like hearing me talk, and like hearing my story about how I have moved to this suburb of Como all the way from the United States.
My job is lots of fun.
Also, I got a job with a Temp agency, who is now going to bring me in to work temporary jobs, during the week. So in the next week or two, I will have a Mon-Friday office job, and work at the bar 2-3 nights a week.
Love Always,



  1. That sounds like a fun time, glad you are meeting others and keeping yourself busy

  2. This sounds like a great time! YAY Marcy!

