Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Beers and Booze

Beers and Booze

I got a job bartending! Ilove it! It's lots of fun, and the people are all very friendly and warm. It's at a little Pub, just 3 streets from my house. It's nice to work there, because I have made a couple friends that I work with. Karly, is a girl who I have bartended with a few times who is from Perth, and has welcomed me into her group and life! Then, I have also met another wonderful friend named Lucie, who is from Switzerland but has been living here for a year. She is super sweet, and I have gone running with her around the river in front of the city, and really enjoy her company as well. Both girls I work with, are in their 20's, and so we all get a long very well when we work together. So far, the people at this job, makes for a very positive work environment.
We have tons of regulars that come into the bar. All of which will sit at the bar at the beginning of my shift, and leave towards the end of my shift. I work from 5pm-11pm.
They aren't the type of drunks that you see at a night club though. They
are nice drunks.
They are mostly older in their 50's and 60's age group. Mostly men. And are friendly, just trying to have a beer or two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight....
It's funny, because I have noticed a reooccuring trend. BEER is bigger than BOOZE. Also, wine is very big, because Perth is close to 2 big wine region.
Mostly, the customers love me, because they like to figure out where my accent is from. It's confusing for them, because many people think I am from Canada. I always have to correct them, and say with pride that "I'm American". . Normally, everyone is nice. I have only had one dumb man say:
"If you're American, I'm a plastic surgeon, do you want breast
Other than that, I have nothing but great customers. My favorite story, is this guy around 18 or 19 (The drinking age here is 18), who comes in with his group of friends. He listens to me talk, and just stares at me for a very long time. I finally look over at him, and say: "what are you looking at??"
He says with a perplexed look on his face:

"Do you JUST get HEAPS of sex???"

I said to him, "No, I don't. I'm pretty limited in that department." While I laughed out loud, because he was so bold it was humorous and funny!! Then he says:

"Cause your accent is the best accent
I have ever heard!!!"
The conclusion to that one instance: People like hearing me talk, and like hearing my story about how I have moved to this suburb of Como all the way from the United States.
My job is lots of fun.
Also, I got a job with a Temp agency, who is now going to bring me in to work temporary jobs, during the week. So in the next week or two, I will have a Mon-Friday office job, and work at the bar 2-3 nights a week.
Love Always,


Thursday, August 20, 2009

The Most Isolated City on Earth....

Perth: The Most Isolated City on Earth

Before I moved here, everyone would tell me,
"Did you know you are moving to the most isolated city on earth??"

I really didn't think anything of it, but, then...after
being here for a few weeks...I have realized. Yeah. I'm in an entirely new
world. It feels even more isolated sometimes, because most of the time, I have no clue where I am at. There are about 1.5 million people in my city, and everything is much slower than what I am used to. There are definately days when I get culture shock, and all I want to do is sit in
traffic, go to a store that is opened past 5pm...or just hear another
American voice in person, not just on the TV or in the

Today I realized how
glad I am that I followed through with

living in Perth, and not the east coast of Australia. I AM FORCED to be isolated from other Americans. The East Coast of Australia has tons of American tourists. So the chances of me running into another American would be much higher there than here. NOT to say Perth does not have any American immigrants, I just find that I am much more original here, than in other areas of Australia. I know for certain, that Perth gets American exchange students, but since I am not going to "University", I do not run into many people of my own culture. Which I think is cool. For once in my life: I'm a rare species. And that's cool.

Will upload pictures of my neighborhood as soon as I can get the uploaded images to work.
Here's To A New Life in a New City,

Friday, August 7, 2009

A Post Dedicted to my Nephew Braeden!!


So I was watching TV tonight, and a commercial came on for Australian Monster Trucks!! It is on August 15th! I thought of you instantly, because I know how much you love Monster Trucks, and remembered that as a 7 year old, your adult asperation is to be a monster truck driver!! I miss you, and love you Braeden!!

Okay, so they dont have GRAVEDIGGER here,
instead they have PREDATOR. Can you see the
Australian Flag under neath the truck?????

Jump Mania!! Is what it's called. Here is the advertisement.

LVE, Aunt Marcy

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Time to find a job...

Wish me luck. It's time to start looking for a job. The positive thing, their economy is much better than ours. So here I go! Cross your fingers. Marcy

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Perth!! How long do you think I'll last???

Happy Monday!

Do you guys want to place bets as to how long I will last away from America???

My brother Eric only predicted 2 weeks.
My friend Kevin Wray predicted less than a year, and I have to pay him 500 dollars if that's the case.
My parents, are set on 8 mos.!
What do you think?????????????????????????
I cannot beleive that I have almost been away for an entire week. The time has gone by fast. I personally think I will last, but then there are times when I have culture shock like crazy.

Things I need to adjust to:
1. All the phrases, tones, and social norms that I dont know or understand.
2. The expensive EVERYTHING!! Retail shopping is very expensive here.
3.Round-abouts on the roads. They have a lot of them.
5.The grocery stores seem like ours, but hardly carry any brand we carry.
6.Expensive Restaurants. Even the simple restaurants are very very expensive.
7.They have a lot more coins than we do, I need to learn them. For instance, they have a $1 & $2 coin, 10cent coin, 20 cent., and so on.
Cottesloe Beach, (My new beach)
Things I'm LOVING about Australia so far!!:
1.The beautiful non-polluted beaches. Blue waters and white sand.
2.Tim Tams. (Cookies that are better than an Oreo).
3.Clean Air.
4. Everything is locally grown.
5. HUGE farmers markets, with lots of CHEAP fruits and Veggies.
6. Public Transportation is good.
7. Lots of outdoor time.
8. Cute little kids with cute Australian accents. I'm in love with all the kids!
9. Lots of surfers and surfing.
10. Lots of beach time.
City of Perth, from Kings Park (A good park to hike at).

A Koala Story...

When I was a little girl, my dad worked in Australia, because he works in the mining industry. Anyhow, when he would go, I would always ask him to bring me back a Koala bear. He thought I meant a toy, but really what I meant was that I wanted to own my own Koala bear. One year, he brought be back a stuffed Koala bear, and I was so dissapointed. That's when I learned, that I would never be able to have my own Koala as a pet.

Since then, I have been determined to actually see a koala in person. Come to find out, there is this place in Sydney that allows people to take pictures with the koala. I read it on this advertisement, and the first thing I could do that morning is walk to "Wildlife World", so I could hold my own koala. WELLL......I walk all the way there, and rush to the exhibit, which cost me 22 dollars....and it turns out that it is against the law in New South Whales Australia for people to hold and touch the koalas. So all a person can really do is stand by them to take a picture. If I really want to hold a koala, I have to try the small exhibits outside of New South Whales.

What a disspointment. AGAIN!

I'm truly on a mission to find a real life koala to hold. People have done it, I just need to find the place.

Below: Which one is cuter?? The Koala or the Guy???
I couldn't hold the guy either!!! (Well, I guess I could have held him if I really tried, but I was still too disspointed about the Koala Law!!)
Oh yeah, and this guy has no idea he was part of my picture. NOR does he know he is part of my blog now! ha ha! He is just some Spaniard tourist walking around, looking hot, and making single women's days better.


Hey Everyone! I am so sorry that it has taken me a couple days to blog again. It's so hard, because I was trying to wait for me to get to a computer to upload my pictures. I can do it now!

Oh my gosh! My time in Sydney was a blast! Remember on the last blog I told you about how my hotel was right across the street from a motorcycle dealership? Well, that night, I ended up going out with the sales people and manager from the dealership. They actually close the doors of the dealer at the end of the day, and then just stay after and drink beer with each other. They invited me in, and we talked about motorcycles and industry stuff. I met Mark, Adam, Andrew, Steve, and Dave. I met the owner, who owns that dealership and a dealership in Parametta, a suburb of Sydney. They said if I need a job, I can come work there, which is assuring. It was cool, because it's been a while since I have worked in the industry, but motorcycles are something I still love a ton, and could talk about supercross and bikes all day if you let me. It seemed that I clicked really well with all these guys. Then, later that night, two of the guys (Adam and Andrew) and I went out to a club in the "northern beaches" just outside of Sydney. We drank a ton!!! Then later that night, on our way back to Sydney, they drover me to see where Kevin Rudd the Australian Prime Minister lives. We were in this really fancy area of Sydney, and on our way to the other side of the Harbour Bridge, we stopped to look at one of the most beautiful sites I have ever seen in my life!!! (One of them). It was the other side of the Harbor Bridge, and the Opera House, but not the side where tourists was a spot where you can only see if you live outside of the city. It was breath taking....the pictures just don't do justice to how it really felt.

Overall, it was one of the best nights so far on my trip...and am really really thankful I met Adam and Andrew.

Can you see the Opera House behind me??? It's hard to see in the pictures, but it was gorgeous!!

Kevin Rudd's House (The Australian Prime Minister)