Tuesday, September 29, 2009

United Arab Emirates

Burj Dubai: The world's tallest building (or one of them) a view from the plane heading West to France.

Hashim, my tour guide. He ended up being a very hypocritical Muslim....one of many in Dubai.

Burj Dubai view from the Dubai Mall.

Burj Al Arab. Beautiful beach too, but still....makes you feel bad for how much energy is wasted on such a fake city.

I was so nervous coming to Dubai alone, but my feelings of anxiety have been relieved after spending a day here. I really don't know if I like it here or not?? What an interesting, and different culture. I feel like the entire day, all I did was analyze what it would be like to have to wake up in the morning and wear a black silk cover from head to toe...or if I was lucky, maybe a wrap that has color. I think Arab women are just beautiful though. They have such excotic and profound features.
So far though, Dubai has many of the same attributes America has, except with middle eastern people. There are tons of transplants here too, especially from America, The UK, and Australia for contract work. There is construction everywhere here! Not only that, it is very clear the amount of money that goes through the United Arab Emirate economy. It doesn't seem to be very high in poverty....so many nice cars, clothes, and material items.

Love, Martina

Gold Souk....Dubai is known for them!

True Opionion about Dubai:
Would I go back??? Probably not. Is it the Las Vegas of the Middle East??? NO WAY!!

Dubai, one is too expensive to get to, shop in, and also too restricted legally because of the Muslim based laws. Being an ethical world citizen too, it is hard to not feel some type of guilt for how much energy all the fancy buildings are using up, and how many resources are used for such a project that seems quite uneventful

As for the city, it has beutiful buildings and architecture, and the hotels are not very pricy for all that you get.

As for the laws: the black market economy is huge...why??

Because you can only drink in designated hotels. And you have to really keep on eye out on the choices you make in terms of partying. I personally chose to just stay in my hotel and relax by the pool.

At 20-30 dollars per drink....there was no party going to be happening in Dubai for me!!

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Dubai and France tomorrow...4:00AM!!!!

Hey Guys!

I leave for Dubai tomorrow morning at 4:00am....which means I have to wake up at like 3:00am...so whats the point of sleeping??? Ha ha! I will probably just go to bed early. I am kind of nervous, like usual, but know that everything is cool! I have been talking to people who have been to Dubai, and they said it is safe, and not difficult to get around. So we will see!

I spend 3 days in Dubai, and October 2nd am off to France. We will be in Paris the first 3 days, then we are going to the Champagne District for a wine tour--then back to Paris the last 4 days of our trip.

Then, it's back to Australia! And time to plan for my next big excursion! The Great Barrier Reef, Cairns, Brisbane, and a long ROAD TRIP up the coast!!!!

Love Always,


Friday, September 18, 2009

September 20, 2009 Dedicated to my MOM!

Dear Mom,

I know I was the kid who swam in the opposite direction upside
down. Against all the other fish.

Yet still had the guts to ask who you loved best.

I also know I was the the kid who you knew if there was a big red button on the wall that said "DO NOT PRESS", I would be the first to press it.

I'm sorry for all the heartache I've caused you, the extra oatmeal you have to eat, because of the high blood pressure I give you, the worry I cause because I can never stay living in one spot for too long, before I get antzy and want to try something new.

I hope someday I can be as cool of a mom as you were to me.

Please understand that although I tend to swim upside down in the opposite direction it is all because--you let me. Yes, there may be 1, 2, or 500 arguments about my swimming choices, but at the end of the day:

You let me be who I truly am.

Thanks Mom. I love you, and Happy Birthday from Australia!!!!! ( A card is in the mail.)


Sunday, September 13, 2009

My 25th Perth Birthday Blog!!!

My Goals for the Next 25 Years:
  1. To try not to get offended--everyone makes choices and I need to understand that they will not always go how I want them to.
  2. To love people unconditionally.
  3. To be a good mother (whenever that is and if it comes to be).
  4. If I have 1 more boyfriend or 100 more boyfriends, I need to remember that each one of those guys has been put into that spot in time for a reason! ha ha!! I know, I know...100 is kind of extreme...BUT HEY! WHO KNOWS!?
  5. I want to accomplish every last one of my dreams: even if means quitting my stable job, haulting the purchase of house, and moving to Australia.--WAIT...I did that! But you get the point.
    Now, I am going to write my 25th Birthday Blog. I cannot believe I am 25 years old!!!! I am a quarter of my life done--if I live until 100, but in all honesty am probably 1/3 of my life done, because I will probably only live until I am 75!!

    Any 25th birthday wisdom is WELCOMED!! HOW

    My birthday was a very calm one this year. Lucie and Karly took me to a nice Italian dinner in Como. We drank some champagne and had lots of laughs! It was wonderful that they were so generous, because I didn't have to pay for a thing!! I'm truly appreciative to have them in my life right now. AND they bought me this cute bracelet, a hat, and cute pajamas! How nice they were!

    I also went to a motorcycle show, here in Perth. It was interesting, because the motorcycle shows here, are much different than the ones I worked at for 7 years when I was in the industry. I had a great time though, because I miss motorcycles being part of my life! It was good to see all the bikes, and to go all the booths. If only I could buy a quad or a dirt bike and ride it in the bush!!

    I did notice that I got a teeny bit homesick on my birthday. I miss my family and friends, and sometimes just miss my culture a ton. Being away from home has made me realize how much abundance I have been given in my life, and has helped me to put into perspective the wonderful life I was born into. Thank you to all of you who helped me grow to the person I am today...and thank you for supporting everything I have chosen to do these first 25 years!! Love You, Martina

    **I also want to apologize to all of you, for my spelling errors on my blog! I never knew the affects the text message generation had on my writing, until I started this blog! I look at past blogs and notice that I have a tendency to make simple spelling and grammar errors, on top of using words that do NOT exist outside of the text message world such as: "cuz". Again, I'm sorry to all my readers!